Which Xero Conversion Service is Right for You? "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Which Country file are you looking to convert?* Australia United States New Zealand 1: Are you a business or an accountant/bookkeeper?* Accountant / Bookkeeper Business Owner Accountant / Bookkeeper2a.Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneMYOB - Account Right LiveMYOB - AccountEdgeMYOB - Accountants OfficeMYOB - AdvancedMYOB - BankLinkMYOB - Business BasicsMYOB - EnterpriseMYOB - EssentialsMYOB - EXOMYOB - Just InvoicesMYOB - PremierReckon AccountsReckon Accounts PlusReckon - Accounting Practice ManagementReckon - DesktopReckon - EliteReckon - EnterpriseReckon - Home & BusinessReckon - HostedReckon - Personal PlusReckon - PremierReckon - ProReckon - OneReckon - Payroll PremierQuickbooks Online - QBO2u. Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneQuickbooks Online - QBOQuickbooks - Enterprise Windows VersionQuickbooks - Pro Windows VersionQuickbooks - Macintosh VersionQuickbooks PlusQuickbooks Simple StartQuickbooks AdvancedQuickbooks EssentialsQuickbooks Pro Advisor2n. Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneMYOB - Account Right LiveMYOB - AccountEdgeMYOB - Accountants OfficeMYOB - AdvancedMYOB - BankLinkMYOB - Business BasicsMYOB - EnterpriseMYOB - EssentialsMYOB - EXOMYOB - Just InvoicesMYOB - PremierReckonQBO3: If using MYOB: What is the current year open in the file?*Check current year in file: Go to SETUP > Company Information > Current Financial Year202220212020201920182017201620152014 or Earlier4: Do you have multi-currency transactions in the file?* Yes No 5: Do you have multi-location inventory?* Yes No 6: Do you have WET/WEG or any other tax percentage over 10% in the file during the transactional period you want to convert?* Yes No 7: How many employees do you pay per pay run?* Less than 50 Employees 51 - 200 Employees 201 + Employees 8: How large is your file?*Check file size: If the file its in a folder, change the view to Details and look at the size. If not, try right-clicking on it and selecting Properties. Also ensure you are referring to the non compressed file (eg. Reckon and Quickbooks files should be measured on the QBW file type). Less than 350MB Less than 800MB Over 800MB Its an Online file 9: How many jobs/classes/categories are in your file?*This includes Active and Inactive jobs. Less than 100 Less than 500 More than 500 10: Do you want a fresh start in Xero without having to deal with legacy data?* Yes No 11: Is turnaround time an issue for you?*Conversions are typically completed in 3–5 business days (depending on the software type chosen). Yes No Business Owner16a.Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneMYOB - Account Right LiveMYOB - AccountEdgeMYOB - Accountants OfficeMYOB - AdvancedMYOB - BankLinkMYOB - Business BasicsMYOB EnterpriseMYOB - EssentialsMYOB - EXOMYOB - Just InvoicesMYOB - PremierReckon AccountsReckonAccounts PlusReckon - Accounting Practice ManagementReckon - DesktopReckon EliteReckon - EnterpriseReckon - Home & BusinessReckon - HostedReckon - Personal PlusReckon - PremierReckon - ProReckon - OneReckon - Payroll PremierQuickbooks Online - QBO16u. Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneMYOBReckonQuickbooks Online - QBOQuickbooks - Enterprise Windows VersionQuickbooks - Pro Windows VersionQuickbooks - Macintosh VersionQuickbooks PlusQuickbooks Simple StartQuickbooks AdvancedQuickbooks EssentialsQuickbooks Pro Advisor16n. Which source file are you wanting to convert?*Choose OneMYOB - Account Right LiveMYOB - AccountEdgeMYOB - Accountants OfficeMYOB - AdvancedMYOB - BankLinkMYOB - Business BasicsMYOB - EnterpriseMYOB - EssentialsMYOB - EXOMYOB - Just InvoicesMYOB - PremierReckonQBO18: Select if you use these items in your file* Multi-Currency transactions WET/WEG tax Multi-location inventory None of the above 19: Do you want your file to be able to provide you the ability to make business decisions?* 0 to 2 financial years Up to 8 business years Up to 8+ business years 20: How many employees were in your last pay run?* Less than 50 200 or less More than 200 21: How many jobs/classes/categories do you have in your file?* Less than 100 500 or Less More than 500 22: How large is your current account system file?* Unsure Less than 350MB 800MB or Less Over 800MB Its an Online File 23: Is turnaround time an issue for you?*Conversions are typically completed in 3–5 business days (depending on the software type chosen). Yes No NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ