Kick off 2025 with Xero’s latest pricing promotion! Add our Transactional History Service From just $220
to start afresh with data intact. 📩 Contact us at [email protected] to learn more!
AUSTRALIA - 90% off Business Price Plans for 3 months - Expires 28 February 2025
UNITED STATES - 90% off Business Price Plans for 3 months - TAKE9043FEBX25 - Expires 28 February 2025

The Jet Convert Team

Jet Convert was founded in 2014 under the premise that nothing that existed digitally should have to be manually re-entered into other software packages.

Since then, using an in-house development team, we have designed software to migrate accounting data from numerous accounting systems to Xero. Xero has partnered with us to subsidise all conversions so as to make it more affordable for businesses to make the move to Xero.

Our service is highly automated in order to achieve the full transformation of data in just a matter of days. This technology is supplemented with a skilled team who reviews and acts to ensure that all conversions pass our battery of stringent automated Quality Assurance checks. 

With our head office in Australia backed by an overseas team, we pride ourselves on our friendly customer service and ask you to reach out with any questions you may have.

Yours, the Jet Convert Team!