Here is our recommendation of what to check before converting to Xero. The cleaner your data, the smoother your conversion to Xero.
- Quickbooks version 2012/13 (AU)
- Reckon Accountant
- Reckon desktop and Reckon hosted from 2013 to latest release
- Versions include: Pro, Premier, Enterprise
- Reckon One or Home & Business
- Files with negative inventory
- Multi-currency files
- If the file uses WET/WEG
Friendly Reminder:
Xero Subsidised service is only for conversions where Jet Convert creates the Xero Organisation.
If you would prefer to take up the Xero pricing plan discount you can, however conversions start from $220.
BEFORE you upload your Reckon file to Jet Convert:
ESSENTIAL File Preparation:
ATTENTION: Please note if the Essential File Preparation is not completed prior to upload a reconversion charge may apply.
- See our website for transaction types that typically cause issues.
- Check what data will and won't convert against your specific needs.
- Ensure the Reckon file is set to the correct GST accounting basis (cash or accrual).
- If you have used Undeposited Funds for Sales ensure the source file and mapping are set up as a Bank - to ensure this links to the contact history.
*WARNING: Some banks require credit cards to be set up as bank accounts in Xero in order to connect bank feeds. See here for more information as to how these accounts should be set up.
- Ensure that Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and GST accounts do not have Account type as Bank Account.
OPTIONAL File Preparation:
- Set the closing date
- Clean up the file by removing unwanted data - only required if your file is large in size.
- Check that the balances in all bank accounts and credit cards match the bank statements as of the last reconciliation date
- Make sure your Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable ageing match the Trial Balance value. Apply all credit notes unless current.
- Confirm that the AR/AP reconciliation report balance matches the balance in the General Ledger
- Edit account numbers to be a maximum of 10 digits
- Ensure that there are no duplicate names (including archived accounts) in the Chart of Accounts.
- For example: Account no. 1234, description 'Motor Vehicle Expenses' and Account no. 1235 'Motor Vehicle Expenses'. As the two descriptions are the same you need to add a number or character to one to make them unique.
- Check how non-standard tax codes are treated
- Ensure all clearing accounts are reconciled to NIL
- Ensure all bank transactions you want converted are coded
- Terminate any employees not paid in the current year.
- Check that all employees have an accurate USI/SPIN
- Pay Superannuation to date through the Reckon file (if applicable)
NOTE: Where there are no Account numbers in the Reckon file we fill in the Chart of Accounts with system generated numbers. You can update these in Xero post conversion.
- Create a backup of the Reckon file.
- Start your conversion:
- Xero Subsidised Service – we create the Xero Organisation and transfer to you: Go to the Jet Convert website to start your Xero conversion. OR
- We convert into your Xero Organisation: Click here to start your conversion.
- Make your conversion package selection.
- If Applicable Complete your bank account mapping.
The conversion will take up to 5 busines days from when you have:
- Selected your conversion service
- Premium Packages Only* Advised as to how you want the bank accounts to be treated in Xero.
* Please be advised -If bank mapping is not completed within a 48 hour timeframe we will complete this on your behalf.